BEHOLD THE LEGENDS: An adult animated sci-fi action series about 20-year-old Caleb and his friends who must fight against a dangerous A.I. program bent on conquering humanity, while Caleb faces his deadly and mysterious powers linked with a demon.
Episode 1 is currently in production...
Caleb is the skilled and strategical (albeit hot-headed) voice of reason. Most situations, he observes what's around him and won't hesitate to take whatever action he must do to keep him and his friends safe, in other words, he’s no-talk, all-action. He also has a dark past with his powers that he tries to stray away from, and has to face them one way or another…
Beth is the blunt and honest passive. She avoids stress at all cost and rather keeps to herself, but when the A.I. is unleashed, she gets thrown into all the chaos and has to reality-check the group while also keeping them and herself from falling apart. She is also an artist, and loves to scavenge and make sculptures
Axel is the optimist and creative. He knows how to be social and can talk to people better than anyone else, and is very caring, especially to his friends, but he is also naive and innocent, something that’s ultimately put to the test when things start to kick in. He also has a lot of strange and idiotic ideas, which most of the time gets turned down by the others but he can’t seem to take the hint.
Trevor is the tech expert who likes to be snarky and cynical to be more rude than truthful. He is also emotionally soft and defensive which roots to his insecurity and will lash out at anyone who upsets him. Because of this, he doesn’t have that many relationships with people outside of Caleb and Axel, who don’t seem bothered by it.